In so many ways I am independent but in other ways, I have the desire to be everyone’s younger sister. I love needing to be brave and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Most of all, I genuinely LOVE the wilderness. I’ve been overdue for an opportunity to reunite.
With a milestone birthday on the horizon, I had the excuse to give myself an adventure and I was gonna take it. Going into the wilderness in South America and hiking the O circuit in Patagonia was my tops on my list. It would be my last continent to reach. With Chile’s reputation for safety and the trail well marked (even providing food at some camps), it felt like the right choice.
And holy crap it was!
I faced plenty of challenges and felt stabs of self-doubt along the way. Thoughts of backing out filled my mind the 2 days before the solo trek. I was intimidated by the fierce wind and more scared than I anticipated. I was worried I wasn’t physically up to the challenge. I hadn’t walked 10 miles in a day in years, now I was facing 80 miles in 8 days. Nervously, I packed my borrowed backpack and convinced myself that I just had to do one day and make it to the first campsite. I told myself I could always turn around and hike back out. I’ve always been compelled to throw myself into situations where I have to push myself and grow. I love and value raw experience and even a bad one would be better than none.
So I did it and LOVED it! The emotional shift from the fears and self doubt I had before setting off and the thrill and joy I experienced out there on the trail got me soaring.
The wilderness touches something deep in me. It’s like a second home where I find such peace and reverence. I ended up loving every minute out there! Even when my feet were sore with each step, I was loving it. One night I was so tired after hiking that I couldn’t even find the energy to leave my tent to pee, so giggling at the ridiculousness of it I peed into a ziplock bag in my tent and I was loving it. When I hiked over the rope bridges suspended high over deep ravines alone, I was loving it. When I sat up at night, staring at the unfamiliar stars in the southern hemisphere sky, I was loving it. I was surprised how much I loved it. If you watch the video, it’s pretty much just a bunch of jaw-dropping vistas with me shrieking about how much I am loving this.
If you could choose one place in the world to go on an adventure where and what would you choose? What cravings are calling to you? I’d love to hear.
Warning:::: I curse more than I should. When I am excited I talk like a sailor. Oops.
Whenever I have solo traveled I always meet the coolest people. If you are willing to talk to others you are bound to make some friends. This is kick ass women is Marzena from Poland. She was also doing the O-circuit solo. After the hike she invited me on a road trip with her camper. So fun! 
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