Recap of 2015

Life continues to be really good to me. My daughters are the delightful ages of 7&9 and are really great people to be around. They get along with unusual ease for siblings and there is a lot of harmony and fun in our home.  I feel fortunate that my kids really get to be kids. And lucky for me they are really good kids!  As you will see there is lots of play and not taking ourselves too seriously! The year was sprinkled with fun trips with Neil.  A huge highlight was shooting a wedding at Yellowstone National Park then backpacking in the wilderness.  Being in nature is where my heart and soul feel most at home!  Canoeing along the Wisconsin river is my favorite pass time in this great state of Wisconsin.  I highly recommend it!!!  I am starting out with high hopes for 2016 with planning to work less and play/hangout more with my kids and friends/family.  I really really love my work but my goal for 2016 is work less.  I have blocked off a bunch of weekends to take trips with my loved ones.  Plus my big news is Neil and I are buying a home together on the east side of Madison!  Picture is at the end of the post.  We will move in April to a full house of 4 kids!

family photographyfamily photography natural in madison madison family photography madison family photography madison family photography madison family photography madison family photography madison family photography madison family photography Madison wisconsin natural outdoor photography madison wedding photography madison family photography madison family photography madison family photography madison family photography madison family photography madison family photography family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison fun photos wisconsin river family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison madison wedding photography family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison family photography natural in madison Madison wisconsin natural outdoor photography Madison wisconsin natural outdoor photography children madison parks kids playing madison parks Madison wisconsin natural outdoor photography Madison wisconsin natural outdoor photography maureen-cassidy-photography-7 kids being kids in madison Madison wisconsin natural outdoor photography yellowstone national park outdoor adventure Madison wisconsin natural outdoor photography Madison wisconsin natural outdoor photography camera gearfun photos in madisonmaureen-cassidy-photography-47

My laptop fell this summer and I lost some personal photos (always back up) so there are no pics of my parents and few from our trip to philly. Sorry mom and dad! Thanks to all my friends and family and my most amazing man Neil.  You all make my life so rich and filled with countless smiles!

I hope everyone’s 2016 is filled love and peace in your heart and mind!
